Whether you’re a retailer, a community or an individual, the ‘Are You Ready?’ website will help you prepare for your own phase-out or ban of plastic bags. The site is designed to inspire and inform you about the actions that you can take today. It also provides practical assistance for sourcing items like paper bags

Are you ready?

Whether you’re a retailer, a community or an individual, the ‘Are You Ready?’ website will help you prepare for your own phase-out or ban of plastic bags. The site is designed to inspire and inform you about the actions that you can take today. It also provides practical assistance for sourcing items like paper bags and reusable bags.

The site was established with Issues Solutions, under the direction of founders of ‘The National Plastic Bag Campaign’, Jon Dee and Ron Clarke (CM, ASM, MBE, A.A.S.A., A.C.I.S.).

>> www.areyouready.com.au