Creating meaningful
change with data
We use open source technologies to unlock the power of data and solve real-world problems.

Our expertise

CKAN expert - Link Digital

Making data accessible

Link Digital is the trusted CKAN expert globally. Our CKAN and open data experts provide managed CKAN hosting, support, extension development, and theming to clients. We are recognised as a co-steward of the CKAN Project.

AWS Expert - Link Digital

Hosting data ecosystems

We provide managed hosting, support and cloud architecture services to the non-profit, Government, research and academic institutions and are recognised via the Public Sector and Open Data partner programs.

Drupal expert - Link Digital

Engaging data portal

We develop digital experiences, services and dashboards with a strong emphasis on supporting content authors and end users. Since 2012, we have leveraged our years of experience in Drupal-based projects.

How we work

Understand and Evaluate

DevOps is a combination of values, practices, and tools that nurture organic collaboration between our team and the open data community, allowing us to deliver services and products via innovation cycles with high velocity.

We follow quality standards to ensure our multidisciplinary teams purposely seed and grow solutions. With iteration, complex and high-value solutions are a natural outcome.

Deliver and Evolve

While also an integrated component of DevOps, we plan and cultivate SysOps to maximise resources and reduce labour intensive maintenance work.  We offer enterprise integration services within both on and off cloud environments.

A uniquely landscaped and maintained SysOps approach of is also good for smaller client environments.

Support and Enhance

DataOps is a set of practices that fosters collaboration and excellence between the data professionals in our team and our client’s teams.

We focus on developing data management practices and architectures that generate, transform, and present data through a lens of insight and understanding for the client’s end users.

Our clients

If you have a project to discuss with us, would like to know more about our services, or have any questions, we’d love to hear from you.