Application Development

We bring your ideas to life

Data Practices - Link Digital, CKAN expert
Over a decade, Link Digital has developed a solid expertise in building custom, built-to-specification online applications based on CKAN and Drupal.
Applying Infrastructure as a Code (IaC) approach allows our DevOps team to efficiently manage applications even with the most sophisticated infrastructure code. Our customers include government, commercial and non-profit organisations.

Our approach

At Link Digital, we are huge fans of Agile.

Not only it facilitates collaboration between our team members but also allows our clients to play an active role in the development cycle. For project work, we employ the Scrum methodology, which provides a standard and proven framework for managing the types of processes needed to successfully establish technical projects.

Research & evaluation

First and foremost, we arrange meetings in order to determine the project requirements.

This is where the “Who”, “What”, and “Why” questions are raised.

Research & evaluation

Planning & prioritisation

Following scrum methodology, we create a backlog of user stories, estimate, set priorities and divide the project into sprints. Our sprints run on a weekly cycle.

Planning & prioritisation


This is the stage when the actual coding and design are started, and the Dev & UAT environments are set up. Throughout the duration of the project, our Product Owners make sure regular meetings are scheduled to give the client an opportunity to review our progress and update the priorities.


Release & support

After successful validation, the project is deployed to the Production environment and transitioned to support where further enhancements can be implemented.

Release & support

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