The third National Photographic Portrait Prize, curated and judged by the National Portrait Gallery and sponsored by Visa, has been awarded to Scott Bycroft for his portrait ‘Zareth’. Completing design and development in time for the exhibition launch on 4 March 2010, Link rebranded the previous exhibition subsite and migrated the new content. It’s the

The 2010 National Photographic Portrait Prize

The third National Photographic Portrait Prize, curated and judged by the National Portrait Gallery and sponsored by Visa, has been awarded to Scott Bycroft for his portrait ‘Zareth’. Completing design and development in time for the exhibition launch on 4 March 2010, Link rebranded the previous exhibition subsite and migrated the new content. It’s the latest striking addition to the rapidly growing and impressive suite of NPG subsites designed and developed by Link Digital.
