Category: Client profile

Held from November 2006 to April 2007, the NPG’s ‘Truth and Likeness’ Exhibition investigated the importance of likeness to portraiture, while the simultaneous showing of George Foxhill’s self portraits described an emotional and psychological state. For both exhibitions, biographical details of the artists and descriptions of their exhibited work were represented in the gallery-like format of

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PPReMix is the corporate intranet of Professional Public Relations (PPR). One of Australia’s oldest and most successful public relations companies. With offices in Auckland, Hong Kong and each of Australia’s State capital cities, PPReMix now provides a single collaborative environment where PPR staff can access tools and information that assist them with remaining at the forefront of public

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Link Digital has worked with the National Portrait Gallery for over five years to provide regular exhibition and content updates for their website. Our award winning work has continually come from a focus on retaining the integrity and individuality of the art presented through the website. Since it’s initial launch in 1999 the general look and feel

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