Category: Online

Following a broad consultation and comprehensive research process, Link has successfully restructured the Canberra Hospital Intranet site, vastly improving usability. The input of over 100 key Hospital Stakeholders was sought in directing the development of a new information architecture for the Intranet. The new approach provides for a clear internal navigation system within, and suiting

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From October 2007 to December 2008 the National Portrait Gallery (NPG) is presenting its first ever online exhibition ‘Animated’. Link has not only developed the exhibition site but has provided valuable input and support from inception through delivery of this impassioned and original project and has developed all related branding and promotional materials. An animated

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Launched on the 14th of August 2007, Link has designed and developed a new web site promoting the outdoor furniture range and design techniques of ‘Backyard Blitz’ host Jamie Durie. This easily navigated site is designed to showcase not just the products available but the philosophy and inspiration behind them. The extensive range is teamed

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