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Link has updated the Local Liquor website to introduce the company’s revised branding and to enhance the site’s SEO. A restructure increases the site’s appeal and customer relevance, while a new automated newsletter system notifies subscribers of fortnightly specials. While the design work itself has been conceived to adapt easily to different promotions, the most

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Expanding on the suite of web based design and development work Link continues to undertake for the Commonwealth Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA), we have successfully completed banner graphic and layout design and setup of a Microsoft Word document for use as an HTML emails template. Further design work has

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Engaged by Threesides Marketing, Link has successfully completed logo design, associated branding design and site design and development for SAP and PeopleSoft Specialists, HeadTap. The site is defined by home page and second level page templates that integrate with WordPress 2.8, and incorporates a development methodology that defines sub-components within a master ‘themeshaper’ template. The branding work

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ThinkUKnow Australia has been developed by the Australian Federal Police, Microsoft Australia and the Australian Communications and Media Authority. It is an Internet safety program delivering interactive training to parents, carers and teachers through primary and secondary schools in the ACT, NSW and Victoria using a network of accredited trainers. The new website, developed and

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