Improve your data portal with these insights 

Link Digital initially won the contract to provide design services for the redevelopment of IP Australia’s website. By focusing on customer service and strategic consultation our involvement grew to include template development, content migration and systems integration. Some of the new site’s features include: Improved navigation and usability through multi-tiered navigation menus. A mailing list

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Link developed this simple animated and musical e-card leading up to the Christmas break. Using our email distribution system it was posted it out to a select list of clients and friends, wishing them all our personal well wishes for the holiday season. We’ve posted it on our website so that visitors can also play

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Link Digital launched the Federal Lobbyists site in July 2002 and site visitors have grown steadily since. Recent content updates centered around a new format for the Lobbyists journal. To advertise the need to renew registration and submission details Link Digital implemented a batch email system within the website’s administration interface. The site administrator can

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