Have you built a CKAN extension you’d like to showcase? If so, why not take the chance to do this at an upcoming CKAN Extensions Demo Day on March 19?
On this day, the regular monthly CKAN community online meeting will be given over to developers to showcase their extensions via a live demo of their features.
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What is it about?
The event is not only designed to showcase CKAN as open source software with a global reputation for building open data management solutions, but also how its default functionality can be extended by extensions that add powerful features to performance.
Link Digital is proud to support the event, one of many online and in-person events being organised by groups to mark the International Open Data Week (March 1-7), celebrating and encouraging the use of open data.
Link Digital and open data
While Link Digital has always believed in the importance of open data, what is increasingly being referred to as the ‘polycrisis’ – the combination of fast-moving crises such as the COVID pandemic, climate change and the Russian invasion of Ukraine—makes it more important than ever.
Open data can play a vital role in helping to solve the polycrisis by enabling researchers and government policy makers to understand the multiple aspects of the crisis and facilitate evidence-based solutions to the interlinked issues that comprise it. Open data can encourage and support collaboration across institutional and geographic divides, improve transparency, accountability, and engender greater civic participation.
The CKAN user community
A key strength of CKAN is its user community, including people drawn from private enterprise, academia and the community sector. Many of these people contribute to the CKAN software’s design and defect correction, including the development of extensions that extend CKAN’s functionality, automate tasks, or allow integration with other tools. There is a wealth of CKAN extensions, and the exact number only grows over time as the community around the software, including specialist digital service providers such as Link Digital, contribute more. These extensions, some of which were discussed in this article on our site last year, cover everything from data visualisation and data storage improvements to custom theming and metadata standards compliance.

We want you!
If you have developed an extension that you would like to get more eyeballs on, the March 19 CKAN Monthly meeting is your chance. You’ll have 5-10 minutes to do a live demo of your extension, its features and benefits to the wider community, as well as connect with other CKAN users and contributors.
It doesn’t matter how small the extension is. The only conditions are that it must be open source, have a potential use to the broader CKAN community, and that you provide a link to the repository. If this is something you would like to take part in, we would like to hear from you.