Now is your time to move to CKAN

Join hundreds of data portals around the world.

Link Digital is the trusted CKAN expert by governments, NGOs, and research institutions worldwide.

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Planning your move to CKAN?

Why CKAN and Link Digital?

Link Digital will help you maximise the potential of your data with CKAN

Metadata management

Utilise advanced descriptive metadata and cataloguing features, including specific keywords and metadata tags, to organise and classify internal data sets. 

Workflow management

Monitor data usage and metrics by creating real time reports and dashboards and efficiently automate data management tasks like approval and updates.

CKAN Co-Steward

CKAN experts to guide your move

Have access to CKAN experts who will walk you through the entire process from start to finish. 

API integration

A RESTful API allows developers to interact with all aspects of its open data platform, including extension development and the easy migration of data from other services and systems, including legacy systems.

Advanced access controls

Set permission settings to control critical and sensitive internal data at a group or individual level, to fit the needs of a particular project or your organisation more generally. 

Greater data visualisation

Enable greater data visualisation by utilising extensions designed to integrate seamlessly with the user’s existing data tooling.

Easy customisation

CKAN is also highly customisable through a wide variety of extensions that can vastly increase its basic functionality and integrate in a seamless manner with a user’s existing data and digital operations. 

“CKAN customized schemas have allowed us to be searchable by Google dataset searches and other global partners, which is key to findability of our datasets. Being able to build it into our metadata templates saves us significant time and allows us to let our users fill in the forms.

The user permissions allow us to provide data sovereignty to various groups and give them granular control over their data.”

– Claire Herbert, Data Manager, Faculty of Centre for Earth Observation Science, University of Manitoba


Ready to move to CKAN?

CKAN Resources

Secure Data Exchange

Secure Data Exchange

government open data portals

Government Open Data Portals

Open source tech and government data management

Open source technology is the best fit for government data management