A few months ago, we teamed up with data.world to co-develop an extension that would facilitate open data sharing for CKAN users around the world.

A few months ago, we teamed up with data.world to co-develop an extension that would facilitate open data sharing for CKAN users around the world.

As a CKAN Association member, Link Digital is heavily involved in activities surrounding CKAN. An opportunity to collaborate with data.world, the creator of a popular networking platform for people working with data, was not only an exciting experience but also a great chance to make a contribution to the open source community.

About ckanext-datadotworld

The extension allows ckan data portal administrators to automatically replicate the published data to a data.world profile. By linking your data to data.world, you accelerate its discovery, thereby facilitate the resolution of important issues.

For its extensive and customizable API, CKAN is easy to integrate even with a custom platform, such as data.world.

The ckanext-datadotworld extension is completely open-source and is available for download on GitHub today. If you would like to trial the extension on Datashades.com please contact us on support@linkdigital.com.au.

Watch the video guide on LinkDigitalTV

About data.world

Data.world is a US-based company that strives to build the most meaningful, collaborative, and abundant data resource in the world.
Launched in July 2016, the company has built a network that makes it easier for people who work with data to collaborate and solve important problems.

For more information, visit data.world.

More information about ckanext-datadotworld can be found on the CKAN blog.

To download the extension: https://github.com/datadotworld/ckanext-datadotworld
To view other Datashades extensions: https://github.com/datashades


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