Every organisation dreams of having a data portal in which  information flows seamlessly. But most get it wrong by diving into complex features before nailing the basics.

Here’s the truth: successful data portals start with understanding users, not technology.

Start with these fundamental questions

  1. What data do you actually have?
  2. Who needs to use it (and why)?
  3. How secure does it need to be?

Here’s how to gather real insights

  • List user personas
  • Pick 3 colleagues from different teams
  • Have informal coffee chats (yes, really)
    • Ask directly, “What’s your biggest headache when working with data?”
  • Refine questionnaire and polish the interview questions
  • Pick 3-5 colleagues per persona
    • Keep the interview structure
  • Build a list of repeated pain points
  • Look for patterns in the feedback
    • When answers are repeating, the research is completed

The secret to measuring success? Track these metrics.

  • Weekly portal visits
  • Number of data downloads
  • User satisfaction scores
  • Cross-team collaboration instances

Two often-overlooked keys to success

  1. Start simple and iterate based on actual usage
  2. Celebrate quick wins to build momentum

Remember, your data portal’s success isn’t about features itself. It’s about whether users can find and use the data they need to do their jobs effectively.

The best data portals don’t just store information; they break down silos and create shared spaces where teams can work together.

Begin with basics, measure what matters, and grow based on real needs. That’s how you build a data portal that actually works.

Link Digital is ready to help you if you don’t know where to start or are stuck. Our team of experts will help you on how to advance your infrastructure and data portal strategy.