Category: Government

Alex is the primary developer behind Lobbylens.  Which, as an online Government 2.0 project, was Winner of the 2009 “GovHack” event and was 3rd prize in the Mashup Australia competition. The Lobbylens project required the integration of several government datasets in an informative way to present complex data in a unique and understandable way. As the head of

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While researching the great variety of public cloud scenarios and application configurations on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) site I found the following whitepaper, published by Jinesh Varia in August 2012. The title speaks for itself, but I’ve republished the abstract below with a link to the full whitepaper. When AWS becomes available in Australia, which I hope will be in

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I am pleased to announce that Link Digital has been accepted as an Amazon Web Services Consulting Partner. This fantastic recognition is a result of our track record over more than a decade of operation, our strategic expertise surrounding Government technology assignments and our DevOps perspective on the use of IaaS as part of a

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