This blog post originally appeared on and was authored by Link Digital senior solution architect, Adria Mercader.
Drupal: why organisations should use it as part of their open data management
As a global company focused on supporting open data, digital […]
Thinking about this post a decade on, I believe my question has been answered in the affirmative. Read the article.
Both DCAT and CKAN are designed to support the management and publication of open data. CKAN aligns with DCAT in several important ways.
The Link Digital paper examines these shifts and the rise of data, not just as a driver of economic value but as something to be made open and shared in the context of improving government policy-making and services and supporting civil society and a more informed citizenry.
A lot of Link Digital’s work involves the development of data portals using two key pieces of open source software, the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (CKAN) and Drupal.
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