This year, Link Digital, represented by Executive Director Steven De Costa, was proud to join the participants of the 4th Open Data Roundtable in Washington. At this session, dedicated to Public-Private Collaboration, we made two commitments, now both delivered.
Continue ReadingLink Digital is excited to start working with the ANU […]
Congratulations to the full production team and investors behind Joe Cinque's Consolation, the official trailer release today looks great.
Link Digital has been supporting the project since 2014 and remains involved in digital promotion and advertising.
DrupalGov Canberra was held at the National Museum of Australia […]
When looking at open access I've been considering what frictionless science might look like. I've been thinking about how to publish the full set of research artifacts needed to replicate and review work undertaken by labs, or to swap out data and reconstitute the research in a new context.
Continue ReadingGreg comes to us from a background in pure mathematics, […]